Sunday, January 31, 2010

Who Are You?

How well do you know yourself? I mean REALLY know yourself? Have you ever taken the time to get to know you? The truth is, just because we are with ourselves 24/7 doesn’t necessarily mean that we know ourselves. There is not one person on this earth that we will spend more time with for the entire course of our lives than ourselves. So, we might as well get to know who that person is, and at the very least, practice being good company…with ourselves, that is!

It might sound funny, but it’s not a bad idea to reacquaint yourself with you every day. Just take a couple of moments to reflect. Who are you? How are you going to be in the world today? What is important to you? How do you want to feel? How do you want to express yourself? If it were your choice, how would you like to be perceived, and are your behaviors in alignment with that?

What are your values? What is really important to you? How do you know that you’re living up to your values? [I’ll give you a hint: take a good look at your behaviors! For example, if you said that you value family, but consistently avoid spending time with your family, you might need to re-examine your values, or more importantly, your priorities.]

What is your vision for yourself? Does your vision depict you as thriving or suffering? Are you creating a vision that works for you or against you? If you envision yourself never having happiness and/or success, and you’re currently unhappy and unsuccessful, are you aware of the fact that you are actually living your vision?

What characteristics are important to you in other people? Do you possess those characteristics yourself, and do you make it a point to surround yourself with people who have those characteristics? [For example, if you feel respect is an important characteristic in others, do you give others respect? Do you surround yourself with people who are respectful, or with people who disrespect you?]

What motivates you? What drains your energy? Do you feel deserving of good things? What types of things do you say to yourself about yourself on a daily basis? Do you practice self-awareness? What things do you like about yourself? What things could use a little polishing, or reconstructing altogether? Who are you, and what role do you play in that?

I could go on, but would like to invite you to add more questions that you feel we could all benefit from asking ourselves.

Enjoy getting to know you, and if you feel so moved, share who you are with us so we can get to know you, too!


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